Are you looking to perform some much-needed renovations in your school? While repainting the walls or having the HVAC system inspected can be useful, what about replacing your lockers with a better material? Schools all across the country have been installing HDPE (high-density polyethylene) lockers throughout their school’s halls and corridors, and have been met with great results. So, here’s a list of the 10 reasons why you need HDPE lockers in your school…

1. Nicer Aesthetics

HDPE comes in homogenous color patterns that you can choose from. They can be tailored to match any design that you’re going for with your school. While lockers can be painted over, do you really want to go through the painstaking task of painting each individual locker in your school?

2. Noise Reduction

The pang of a metal locker slamming shut is enough to remind anyone of their days at school. However, HDPE lockers have a much softer sound. During a test using both an HDPE locker and a metal locker, the sound of an HDPE locker closing was three times softer than that of a metal locker’s sound. The lack of the sharp smack will be more pleasant to the ears of both students and faculty.

3. Durability

While metal lockers have a strong structure, they’re susceptible to a variety of cosmetic damages like scratches and dents. HDPE lockers, on the other hand, are made into a solid plastic construction. They’re highly durable and can take an impact without resulting in exterior damages or scratching.

4. HDPE Doesn’t Rust

A common problem that affects metal lockers is rust. Humidity and moisture can build up, especially near the end of the school year, and sooner or later, the lockers will begin to rust. This is a looming problem in locker rooms, due to the numerous sources of water. HDPE doesn’t absorb moisture, so it won’t rust or sprout mold.

5. Improve Your Air Quality

As we mentioned before, HDPE doesn’t rust, and it can repel humidity and moisture. It won’t sprout mold, which would have a negative effect on your school’s air quality. HDPE also doesn’t need to be repainted, which reduces the risk of VOC (volatile organic compound) emissions from contaminating your school’s air.

6. Easy Installation

Metal lockers require a lot of care and attention when they’re being installed. HDPE lockers, on the other hand, are a quick and simple setup that won’t require a lot of time and effort. By comparison, it takes less time to install HDPE lockers than metal ones.

7. More Secure Storage

Another major benefit to HDPE lockers is that they’re more secure. Metal lockers do have their weaknesses, and students will figure out those weaknesses to gain entry to a locker that isn’t theirs. HDPE lockers have a built-in lock, and you also have options of what type of lock you want, with either inset combination locks or hasps being easily configured into the locker, providing a secure storage compartment for students.

8. Low Cost Maintenance

One of the biggest advantages of choosing HDPE lockers over metal is the lack of serious maintenance that you’ll have to do. Because of their durability, HDPE lockers don’t require extensive repairs. In fact, they just need a simple cleaning every now and again. A simple wipe can even remove unwanted graffiti.

9. Big Return on Investment

On the surface, HDPE lockers may seem like a pricier option. However, due to their strong construction and low maintenance, they simply pay for themselves. Within two years, HDPE lockers will be less expensive than metal lockers, due to the constant maintenance that metal lockers require. They’ll even outlast metal lockers, so you won’t have to worry about a replacement for at least 20 years.

10. Sustainability

Did you know that HDPE plastic is made from recycled materials? Because of the post-consumer materials, and their durability and lifespan, HDPE lockers are 100% sustainable. If you’re considering going greener, or becoming LEED Certified, choosing HDPE lockers is a huge step in the right direction.
Want to hear about more reasons why you should get HDPE lockers for your school? Check out Duralife Lockers now!

When it’s time to choose lockers for your space, there are a few factors that you need to consider before you go about acquiring the materials. First, you need to figure out how many lockers you actually need based on occupancy. It’s always best to have extra lockers rather than having a few occupants that need to carry around their materials all day. But, you also need to factor in locker dimensions as well as what type of material you’re going to use.

Determining Locker Size, Given the Space & Location

Where do you plan on putting these lockers? Will they be lining a corridor, tucked in a side alcove, or be located in an actual locker room? These are the questions that you need to answer before heading deeper into your locker journey. The important thing is to have big enough lockers to accommodate the students’ or occupants’ items, as well as having enough for each occupant.

When you’ve picked out your designated locker area, you’ll want to be sure of the exact measurements of where you plan on putting these storage compartments. If it’s in a corridor, you can probably get away with the full-length lockers that line the walls. But if you’re planning to put these lockers in an enclosed area, you’ll want to carefully figure out your setup. Using smaller lockers can allow you to maximize the number of lockers; however, it’ll reduce total locker space.

Choosing the Right Locker Materials

While size and dimensions are huge factors when deciding on your lockers, you also need to figure out the material that you’re going to use. Metal lockers have been the traditional choice for many years, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re without drawbacks. While metal lockers may seem secure, they can be scratched, dented, spray painted, and even broken into. You’ll want to avoid these issues at all costs.

Some facilities have begun implementing HDPE (high-density polyethylene) lockers, due to the highly durable plastic construction. This solid plastic is resistant to scratches, dents, and graffiti. Because of its solid plastic construction, you can pick any type of lock, which will be securely placed in the material.

Considering Locker Maintenance

If you’re choosing lockers for a specific locker room, you’ll need to keep up with maintenance. Metal lockers are vulnerable to moisture and humidity, which is always present in locker rooms, and they can rust easily. HDPE can stand up to moisture because it won’t rust or absorb the humidity and sprout mold. HDPE is a relatively low cost in terms of maintenance. All you need to do is clean the lockers every once in a while. They’ll stand up to the pressure and the elements.

Want to learn more about why HDPE plastic lockers are the best choice? Download The Ultimate Guide to HDPE Plastic Lockers, from your friends at Scranton Products.

At Scranton Products, we’re more than happy to help any interested party learn more about HDPE plastic lockers, and why they’re a smart choice and a suitable material for your school or facility. In order to help you learn as much as possible about these lockers, we’ve assembled this plastic lockers FAQ page. We encourage you to look below to the relevant question to see if the answer helps you.

Are HDPE Lockers Durable?

Yes! HDPE (high-density polyethylene) plastic lockers have been proven to be more durable than traditional metal lockers. Due to their solid plastic construction, HDPE lockers are more impact-resistant than standard lockers. They won’t even dent or scratch. They’re also resistant to humidity and moisture, making them a valuable storage compartment in locker rooms or other damp areas of your school or facility. They’ll resist mold growth, as well as rust, so you don’t have to worry about costly replacements or repairs.

Do HDPE Lockers Require a Lot of Maintenance?

Because of the durable construction, HDPE lockers require very little maintenance. They’re guaranteed to last up to 20 years without any problems. The only maintenance that they require is a simple cleaning now and again. Imagine how much time and money you’ll save on maintenance! They essentially pay for themselves after a few years.

Are These Lockers Difficult to Assemble?

Installing these lockers is quick and easy. By following the instructions, you’ll see a fast and efficient installation process. With a little help, you can install all your lockers in one day.

Are HDPE Plastic Lockers Secure?

HDPE lockers are customizable, offering you many different options as to what type of locking system works best for you. Duralife lockers come with either an inset combination lock or a hasp. Tufftec lockers provide numerous options like padlocks, keys, in-door combinations, and even an RFID digital lock.

How Big Are HDPE Lockers?

These lockers don’t have a set size. You can actually customize the size and tiers that you want, depending on the needs, as well as the space allotted in your school or facility.

Do HDPE Lockers Need to Be Painted?

HDPE lockers don’t require you to paint them. They’re available in multiple designs, as well as homogenous colors. Any signs of graffiti can simply be wiped away, without you having to paint your lockers. Not only will this save you the effort, but you won’t be risking your air quality with the VOC (volatile organic compound) emissions released by paint.

What Are the Benefits of Choosing HDPE Lockers?

There are numerous benefits to choosing HDPE lockers. They’re durable, low-maintenance, cost-effective, long-lasting, and sustainable. They’re also considered green building materials, so you can get started on making your school or facility more sustainable by utilizing HDPE plastic lockers. These eco-friendly lockers would make a great addition to your school or facility.


Want to learn even more about HDPE lockers and the many benefits? Check out our Duralife lockers.

The sound of metal lockers slamming shut can make anyone have a flashback to when they were back in school. Traditional lockers have been used in almost every school due to their reliable nature and durability. However, many schools have begun choosing HDPE (high-density polyethylene) over the traditional metal lockers, citing it as a much better alternative. We’ll gladly explain why schools are making the jump from metal to HDPE.

The Drawbacks of Traditional Metal Lockers

Metal lockers have been the standard for many years. They allow students to store their books and materials during the day with the benefit of a secure lock to protect their valuables. However, despite the long history of schools implementing metal lockers, there are a few drawbacks to sticking with the old standard.

While it’s more noticeable in actual locker rooms, metal lockers don’t necessarily stand up to humidity and moisture. With enough exposure, your colorful metal lockers will soon begin to rust, and the rust removal process can be meticulous and expensive. Not to mention, if left unchecked, an entire replacement may be required.

A common misconception about metal lockers is that they’re highly durable. In fact, they can incur a wide array of damage to their structure, as well as the aesthetics. They’re easily dented, and considering that slamming the locker is pretty much common practice, keeping up with the damage isn’t the easiest process. Graffiti is another issue that metal lockers face, because the removal of graffiti requires paint.

Why HDPE Is the Superior Material

Many schools have begun installing HDPE plastic instead of metal lockers for a variety of reasons. Due to the solid plastic construction, HDPE offers a strength and durability that thin steel and metal lockers can’t compete with. The plastic is impact-resistant, and given the students’ preferred method of closing their lockers, the HDPE can take the hits and show no sign of damage. They even emit a softer sound than the loud metal clang provided by traditional lockers.

Because HDPE is a more durable material, and endures very little damage, it doesn’t require extensive repairs. Its solid construction doesn’t rust and won’t absorb moisture. Another great advantage to HDPE school lockers is that they’re resistant to graffiti. Any sign of unwanted artwork can be simply wiped away without having to repaint the piece and adding unwanted VOC (volatile organic compounds) emissions into the air.

But what may be the biggest advantage that HDPE has over traditional lockers is the maintenance, or lack thereof. HDPE doesn’t require the constant maintenance and upkeep that metal lockers need in order to last. Instead, HDPE needs a simple cleaning every once in a while, making this material a low-maintenance and low-cost alternative to traditional metal lockers.

Are you looking to make the jump from traditional lockers to HDPE? Download this eBook, The Ultimate Guide to HDPE Plastic Lockers, from your friends at Scranton Products.

When it’s time to replace your school’s lockers, there are a few factors that you need to consider. Low cost and highly durable lockers should be at the top of your list. But are you making the right choice with your lockers?

While metal lockers have been the gold standard for generations to keep their books and bags tucked away during the school day, it’s certainly time for a change. You can easily find cost effective and durable school lockersfor sale that are improved upon the standard metal and steel lockers.

Find a dealer near you!

A Highly Durable Replacement

When you’re looking for a cost effective replacement, don’t continue to spend your money on the same metal lockers. Instead, invest in a newer material like HDPE (high-density polyethylene). This solid plastic has been used for lockers in schools across the country with positive results. There are many factors that make HDPE a more versatile and cost effective material. The number one being that they’re low maintenance when compared to metal lockers.

Metal lockers may seem durable, but their thin surface makes them susceptible to dents and scratches. HDPE and its solid plastic design is actually resistant to dents, scratches, and even graffiti. When graffiti appears on a metal locker surface, the locker needs to be repainted, resulting in the cost of paint and the risk of VOC (volatile organic compounds) emissions in the air. HDPE, however, doesn’t need to be repainted. The graffiti can simply be wiped away without you having to worry about the cost of paint or the harmful chemicals seeping into the air.

Smart & Sustainable

Choosing a locker isn’t only about choosing the best material for the job, but also choosing a material that’s going to last for a long time. Picking a sustainable material like HDPE will have many benefits, one of which is lasting for the years. Going with low cost and low maintenance lockers is the smart move.

Metal lockers have too many vulnerabilities to last the years. Metal lockers require too much maintenance, and when they’re in an actual locker room, they can become rusted. This results in not only costly maintenance, but it’s also meticulous and time-consuming. HDPE just needs routine cleaning throughout their lifespan.

The Benefits of Choosing HDPE Lockers

When you opt for HDPE lockers over the traditional metal, you’ll notice the differences right away. Not only will you save time and money on maintenance, but you’ll also pick up on the fact that HDPE lockers are much quieter than metal lockers. The loud metal slam will be a thing of the past, and you’ll be happy to know that your lockers are strong, durable, and they’ll last for years, so you don’t have to worry about having them replaced anytime soon.

Want to learn more about HDPE lockers? Download The Ultimate Guide to HDPE Plastic LockerseBook. You can even find out where to get HDPE lockers for sale by contacting us at Scranton Products.

HDPE (high-density polyethylene) is a durable solid plastic that has a variety of applications. Most notably, HDPE is used for bathroom partitions and stalls, commercial lockers and student lockers within educational facilities. Many businesses and schools have implemented HDPE materials with amazing results. So, why is HDPE being considered a super material for facilities?


As a facility manager, when it comes time for remodeling and renovations, you need to think ahead. Choosing a highly durable material has its advantages because you want the material lasting throughout the years without having to pay a fortune for replacements. HDPE has proven to be a stronger, more stable material than most plastics, wood, and even metal. It’s impact-resistant, so it can stand up to the pressures and elements of your facility.

When you choose HDPE, you no longer have to worry about any exterior damages. HDPE won’t scratch or dent, so you don’t have to have replacements on-hand. You don’t even have to worry about graffiti, because with HDPE, it can be easily wiped away.

Improving Air Quality

One of the main reasons why HDPE materials are utilized as restroom stalls is because it not only provides security and privacy, but it can also help keep the air quality high. Restrooms are a hotbed of moisture and humidity. Most plastic partitions have a kraft paper or cardboard core that can become moist, and eventually will sprout mold. Mold will not only lower the air quality, but it’ll result in a pungent odor that won’t be corrected with air fresheners.

When standard plastic partitions have mold sprouting inside of them, it’s too late, and they’ll have to be replaced in order to get rid of the mold. HDPE, on the other hand, resists mold growth because of its solid plastic construction. Because mold can’t grow in HDPE partitions, your air quality won’t drop, and you won’t have to replace your partitions anytime soon.

Low Maintenance

One phrase that facility managers love to hear is “low maintenance.” HDPE plastic doesn’t require a lot of upkeep. Because it’s a highly durable material, it doesn’t get the normal wear and tear that most materials get. In fact, it can outlast most plastics and won’t rust like metal. It doesn’t even require any fresh coats of paint because of its homogenous coloring. All that HDPE requires is a light cleaning every now and again.


Another major benefit to HDPE is that it’s made from 100% post-consumer recycled material. They’re even recyclable themselves. You can effectively take your facility in a greener, more eco-friendly direction by installing HDPE lockers and partitions. Because it doesn’t require new coats of paint, you greatly reduce the risk of VOC (volatile organic compound) emissions in the air, which can reduce the quality and have a negative effect on occupant health.


To learn more about why HDPE is a superior material, download our FREE eBook, The Ultimate Guide to HDPE Plastic Lockers, or contact us at Scranton Products.

It’s always important for a school to have an arts program. However, said arts should be designated on paper or canvas, not on the walls, stalls, or lockers. Graffiti and vandalism are a constant scourge in educational facilities all across the country, and keeping up with it can be a stressful and costly endeavor. The key is to find a graffiti resistant material to combat vandalism and graffiti in a way that’s cost efficient and beneficial to your school facility.

The Problem with Graffiti in Schools

While public art can have numerous benefits, such as a showcase of talent, or even a conversation starter, its best reserved outdoors and permitted by building owners and managers. In schools, graffiti can not only be destructive to property, but also to a member of the school like a student or teacher. As a facility manager, it’s your responsibility to take care of the mess, and it’s your job to prevent it

The most common way to cover up the graffiti is by painting over it. But while this seems like a simple fix, there are a few factors that may make you want to rethink your graffiti-removal strategy. The paint may not match the surface that the graffiti is on, so this little cosmetic imperfection can reduce the aesthetic value of your facility. Another byproduct of covering up the graffiti with paint is the VOC (volatile organic compound) emissions that’ll reduce your air quality and possibly lead to health issues with the students or faculty.

A Cost-Effective & Sustainable Way of Battling Graffiti

One of the best ways to combating vandalism and graffiti is by utilizing durable materials that can actually resist the paint or marker that’s being used. HDPE (high-density polyethylene) is a solid plastic that can stand up to graffiti. Due to its homogenous coloring, it doesn’t absorb the paint, and any graffiti can simply be wiped away without having to paint over it.

HDPE can be utilized as both lockers and bathroom partitions, the most common locations for unwanted graffiti to pop up. Bathroom partitions are far more commonplace for graffiti due to its concealment. But using HDPE materials in these locations has numerous benefits, the obvious being its impressive stance against graffiti.

Due to the solid construction, HDPE won’t endure any damage to its exterior. It’s impact resistant, and it won’t crack due to excessive hits. The material won’t even become infested with mold and mildew because it can stand up to the humidity and moisture that’s common in restrooms.

Making the Jump to HDPE

While replacing your traditional lockers and bathroom partitions can seem like a massive undertaking, so can keeping up with the removal of repetitive graffiti. HDPE lockers and partitions require very little maintenance, saving you a lot of time and money. And when graffiti does appear, simply wipe it away.


Want to learn more about using HDPE in your school? Download The Ultimate Guide to HDPE Plastic Lockers or Safe School Design: How Architecture Plays a Role in Creating Safe & Secure Educational Spaces today, courtesy of Scranton Products.

Do you ever try to come up with new ways to improve your school’s efficiency? Making a pre-existing school facility greener can be a frustrating concept; but it’s not that hard to take the building in a greener direction with a few implementations and additions. Here are 10 ways that you can make your existing school a greener facility.

 1. Use Green Cleaning Products.

One of the best ways you can take a step toward making your school greener is by using green cleaning products. These products are free of harmful chemicals and leave very little effect on the environment.

 2. Improve Recycling Programs.

Getting behind a more thorough recycling program is essential. Make sure that your facility is executing these practices. You can also use it to educate students about the importance of reusing, reducing, and recycling.

 3. Use Green Building Materials.

If you’re considering any remodels or renovations in the coming year, you may want to utilize green building materials that’ll not only last, but will make your facility more efficient. Materials like HDPE (high-density polyethylene) not only provide high durability due to being impact-resistant, but they’re also recyclable and require very little maintenance due to being power-washable.

 4. Open the Windows.

If the weather’s right, you may want to consider opening the windows, rather than relying on the HVAC system. It helps by providing fresh air to students and faculty, and it helps you save energy costs.

 5. Get Plants for the Classroom.

Placing a plant in each classroom has numerous benefits. A plant can help reduce dust and carbon dioxide levels while preventing the growth of pollutants. It can also help improve humidity.

 6. Find Weaknesses in Your HVAC and Water Systems.

There’s nothing like a flaw in your energy systems to prevent your school from entering the green realm. Conduct an audit of your HVAC and water systems to find out if there are any repairs you should make in order to avoid wasting energy.

 7. Improve Your Air Quality.

Improving your air quality is one of the benchmarks for greening your facility. While air fresheners can be effective, seeking out the culprit that’s reducing the quality of your air is far more effective. Oftentimes, the stalls and partitions in the restroom and locker rooms of your school are sprouting mold. Consider replacing them with the previously mentioned HDPE, which is resistant to moisture and humidity.

 8. Consider Going Solar.

A lot of schools and commercial buildings have made the jump to solar energy. With just a few panels, you can reduce your energy costs while having your facility run on clean solar power.

 9. Test Your Water.

It’s always smart to ensure that you’re supplying your students and faculty with the cleanest drinking water possible. Check the quality of your water supply to make sure it’s in good standing.

10. Reduce Your Energy Use.

While the classrooms and hallways should be well-lit, there are other ways that you can reduce your energy use. One of the best and easiest ways is by turning off all the computers before leaving for the day, rather than setting them to sleep mode.


By implementing a few of these practices, you’ll see a noticeable difference, and your school will become greener every day. Do you want to learn more about how to make your school greener? Download the Sustainable Building Products: How to Make Your Facility Eco-Friendly from Top to Bottom eBook, courtesy of Scranton Products.

How’s your school facility holding up? Does it meet the standards of the ASCE Infrastructure Report Card? There are a variety of factors that can attribute to a school falling behind based on its infrastructure and overall safety. The Infrastructure Report Card assesses the current state of your facility and how it’ll last over the years.

Getting an A is easier said than done. It requires your school facility to be in exceptional shape and have the capacity to handle its growing student body. However, a lot of schools fall behind because of the lack of maintenance or renovations to help keep the facility prepared for the future. Usually, these schools all suffer the same drawbacks that can affect their Infrastructure Report Card. Here are a few tips to get started and to improve your grade.

Finding Weak Areas in Your Facility

Before you try to improve your grade, you need to figure out what’s holding your facility back. While your school may not be in shambles, it’s important to consider all the factors with not only the structural integrity, but also with the various systems and components inside. Have an audit of your facility so you can have a manageable list of things to work on in order to bump up your grade on the Infrastructure Report Card.

Testing Your Air Quality

One of the most common contributors to a less than adequate grade of a facility is its air quality. This is a huge factor because not only does it have a negative effect on your grade, but it can also put your occupants’ health at risk. If you begin to search for areas with weak air quality, you should start with the restrooms.

Restrooms are a hotbed of mold growth due to the overwhelming moisture and humidity. While the walls and surfaces can be cleaned extensively to combat the threat of mold, the battle may be useless if it’s begun sprouting in your stalls and partitions. It’ll greatly reduce the air quality, as well as emit foul odors. A great way to reduce the risk of mold growth is replacing your stalls and partitions with a stronger material like HDPE (high-density polyethylene). This plastic material is not only resistant to scratches and dents, but due to its solid construction, mold won’t find a way to sprout inside.

Choosing Sustainable Products

One of the biggest contributors to the A grade on the Infrastructure Report Card is that the facility is long lasting. One way to help keep your facility in long-lasting shape is by utilizing sustainable materials that’ll last the years without any signs of damage or wear. The previously mentioned HDPE is one of the best materials to use for this. While it can help boost your bathroom’s air quality, HDPE can also be used for lockers. The lockers will outlast traditional metal or coated steel because they won’t dent, and will even resist graffiti.

Using HDPE materials wherever you can will benefit your school greatly. Not only will this material improve your air quality and resist any damage, but it’s also very low maintenance. You can save on maintenance costs because HDPE only needs routine cleaning—no repainting or adjusting.


Want to learn more about how you can improve your Infrastructure Report Card grade? Get the Sustainable Building Products: How to Make Your Facility Eco-Friendly from Top to Bottom or The Ultimate Guide for Facility Maintenance & Property Solutions eBooks, courtesy of Scranton Products.

If you’re going through a much-needed renovation of your facility’s restroom, or if you’re planning out a new facility, it’s crucial to choose the right materials to ensure safety and security for the occupants. When it comes to replacing toilet partitions, there are numerous types of material that can be suitable for the job. However, depending on the material you choose, you may have to replace them sooner than later.

What Is HDPE?

HDPE (high-density polyethylene) is a solid plastic material that can be used for a variety of uses. Due to its solid construction, it proves to be highly durable and even resistant to scratches, dents, and impacts. Its homogenous color makes it resistant to graffiti, which is a common scourge with bathroom stalls. HDPE actually has several advantages over other materials that are commonly used with toilet partitions in commercial bathrooms.

Other Toilet Partition Materials

As you’ve probably noticed, not all restrooms are the same, especially when it comes to their partitions and stalls. Most toilet stalls are made from phenolic and plastic laminate, which on the surface can appear to be suitable materials. However, there are a few drawbacks.

Plastic laminate and phenolic aren’t resistant to scratches, dents, and graffiti. But, one of their weakest attributes is the interior core. Due to restroom location, these toilet partitions are subjected to constant exposure to humidity and moisture. Over a brief period of time, their core interior can actually begin to sprout mold. Once mold has taken over the interior, they need to be replaced immediately, because the mold not only reduces air quality, but it can also lead to respiratory issues with your occupants.

Why HDPE Is a Better Pick

One of the major advantages that HDPE has over traditional plastics and laminates is that it has a solid body construction, allowing it to bask in the humidity and moisture without the threat of mold growth. Because it stands up to the elements and mold, it helps keep the air quality in the restroom safe and clean. Other materials would need a costly replacement if the presence of mold is detected.

HDPE is also stronger than the other toilet partition materials. It can take a few hits and still retain its overall aesthetic. During the presence of graffiti, other materials need to be repainted, which results in VOC (volatile organic compounds) emissions, reducing the air quality. Graffiti on HDPE materials can simply be wiped away.

Lower Maintenance Costs

Another major benefit to choosing HDPE over other plastics is that it’s relatively low maintenance. It doesn’t require a fresh coat of paint or any replacement parts. Other plastics go through plenty of wear and tear; not only do they need a lot of upkeep, but sometimes, they need to be replaced entirely. HDPE just needs to be cleaned every once in a while. HDPE toilet partitions are generally low maintenance and worry free.


Are you looking to make the jump to HDPE? Check out The Professional’s Guide to Commercial Bathroom Renovations and Remodels or Choosing Bathroom Materials eBooks, courtesy of Scranton Products.