Sustainability is one of the most important aspects to building managers, whether you’re about to break ground on a new facility, or you’re looking for ways to make your current facility more efficient. Green architecture has become increasingly popular since it helps reduce carbon emissions, as well as show a massive drop in energy consumption. The goal is to leave as little of a carbon footprint as possible, so finding ways to make your facility more sustainable is crucial.

The Importance of Sustainability & Green Architecture

Most buildings, skyscrapers, and high-risers you see that are made of glass and steel may appear alluring and awe-inspiring, but those buildings certainly use up a lot of energy, which maximizes their carbon emissions. Tall glass and steel structures require significant energy to keep the interior of the building at the optimal temperature, depending on the weather and season. According to The Economist, “In America, buildings account for 65% of electricity consumption, 36% of total energy use, and 30% of greenhouse-gas emissions.”

The ultimate goal with green architecture is to drastically reduce these numbers to a more manageable and sustainable level. By getting started now, we can work towards a greener future with less emissions and energy use collectively. Using these different materials is the first step towards a green and sustainable future.

Utilizing the Best Green Building Materials

The first step towards making a green facility is by utilizing sustainable materials. You’ll want to sort through materials that can help your building maintain its optimal temperature without having to kick the HVAC system into high gear. Certain woods and rock types make for ideal construction material due to their thermal mass. Utilizing recycled material can also have its benefits because it’s reducing waste while getting more use out of a previously discarded material.

How to Make Your Current Facility Greener

If your facility was already constructed before the idea of green architecture really caught on, don’t fret. There are still steps that can be taken to increase the sustainability of your facility. A major area that you can focus on is your facility’s restrooms. More importantly, replacing your standard partitions with a more sustainable material, like HDPE plastic.

These green building materials can help retain the heat in your restroom while combating the elements, such as humidity and moisture. They’re durable, scratch-resistant, and non-absorbent, so you won’t spend a lot of time and money on maintenance. They’re made from recycled material and they’re backed by a 25-year warranty, so you won’t have to shell out a small fortune to replace them.

Getting Started on Making Your Facility Sustainable

By using HDPE plastic in your facility, you can start small and work towards a greener future for your building. This plastic will outlast your current toilet partitions in your restroom, and they’ll incur less damage and won’t have any mold growth due to their strong and reliable structure. If your facility has lockers or storage compartments, you can replace the metal with HDPE plastic lockers, which will provide secure storage and durability while increasing your buildings sustainability.

Want to learn about how HDPE plastic and other materials can help make your facility more sustainable? Download this eBook, Sustainable Building Products: How to Make Your Facility Eco-Friendly from Top to Bottom, from your friends at Scranton Products.

Sustainable design and architecture has grown in popularity, not just as a stylistic approach, but architects and designers are thinking about the long term. Most new hospitals have taken to this approach and begun implementing sustainable design aspects and green materials that can help reduce emissions and energy use. If you’re the manager of a facility or hospital, you’re probably trying to think of ways to cut costs on your energy bill through long-lasting solutions.

Here are a few architecture trends that are influencing sustainable hospital designs that you may want to consider during your next remodel, or if you’re about to embark on a new facility.

Increasing Natural Light & Using Low Energy Bulbs

There are many benefits to natural light. It helps reduce the need for electrical illumination to lower energy costs. There are many effective ways this can be done, including skylights, larger windows and window walls, and glass doors. When the sun sets, that’s when you can utilize low-energy bulbs to provide light without burning up too much energy.

Get More Green

Indoor plants have many benefits. They can reduce carbon dioxide levels, keep the temperature down, boost humidity, and even help reduce pollutants in the air. Using more indoor plants can help improve moral, as well as help the building maintain a healthy environment. However, outdoor gardens and courtyards can also have positive benefits for hospitals, mainly with the patients.

When a patient can see or even walk through a gardened area, it can have positive effects on their health in terms of stress reduction. Having multiple “green areas” makes the hospital more visually appealing. Run-of-the-mill hospitals have a stuffy lack of imagination, and the environment in which a patient is trying to heal has a lot to do with it. Having a garden terrace for patients to relax, enjoy the sights, or spend time with their family has positive benefits on the building, and the patient themselves.

Using Recycled Materials

One of the easiest and most efficient moves towards sustainability is using recycled materials in any way you can. Not only does this help reduce waste, but it also helps conserve natural resources, and it can help reduce greenhouse gases.

There are also plenty of great materials that are recycled. HDPE (high-density polyethylene) is a solid-plastic that can be used for a variety of applications, like toilet partitions and durable lockers. This plastic not only provides a strong structure, but it’s also non-absorbent, impact-resistant, and long-lasting.

Moving Forward with Sustainable Hospital Design

Now that you’re aware of some of the newer trends that hospitals around the world are using to make their facility more sustainable, you have a few ideas to run with. Not only did you see that these design aspects have benefits of reducing your energy costs and the actual building emissions, but you also saw that it can have a positive effect on the patients and their health. With the right design implementations, hospitals and patients can benefit greatly. Are you looking for ways to make your facility or hospital more sustainable? Check out this free eBook, Sustainable Building Products: How to Make Your Facility Eco-Friendly from Top to Bottom, from your friends at Scranton Products.


When you’ve got a lengthy list of items that need to be regularly maintained in your educational facility, school lockers aren’t always at the top, but they’re certainly important. Maintaining the lockers in your school can be a daunting task for a variety of reasons: the process is meticulous, it’s time-consuming, and there are thousands of lockers that you need to go through before the job is done. One of the most common forms of locker maintenance is removing the dents.

Here’s a few tips on how to remove the dents. We’ll even give you ways that you can avoidthis maintenance, like replacing your lockers for , so you can save yourself time and money on fixing them.

Factors That Can Dent Your Lockers

Students aren’t always gentle with the lockers in your school. In fact, they can sometimes be a bit rough. Most students choose slamming the locker shut as their preferred method of closing it, and over time, this can result in the locker door and frame becoming dented. Worst of all, this can cause the lockers to become less secure.

Another factor that leads to dented lockers is student rough housing. Students may playfully, or intentionally, shove each other against lockers. The combination of the body weight and the force of the impact can cause the metal to dent. Dented lockers are unsightly, and sometimes less secure, so correcting the issue is imperative.

Getting Those Dents Out

Tufts Dental Grey Tufftec LockersWhen you notice the unsightly dents, you’ll want to fix them before they get worse. Take a rubber mallet, or a flat hammer, and with medium force, strike the dent. You should have a hard flat surface behind the opposite direction of the dent to ensure that the dent evens out. Using light to medium force, strike the dent a few times. It’ll start to flatten out and become more even with the locker’s surface. You’ll want to complete this action after school hours due to the loud noise that’s expected when hammering the locker—you won’t want student distraction to be an issue.

After you’ve complete repairing the dents, whether you’ve removed the locker doors or kept them intact, you’ll want to check the lock to make sure that it wasn’t affected by the original denting or the repairs process. After you’ve hammered out the dents, look for any signs of chipped paint that may need to be corrected.

Why Use Plastic Storage Lockers?

If you’re growing tired of having to constantly hammer out lockers to fix dents, the answer may be right in front of you: get new lockers! Schools across the nation have begun implementing HDPE plastic lockers that have been successful at reducing the dents, damage, and wear of normal metal lockers. These solid HDPE plastic storage lockers provide a durable structure for storage, and they resist dents and even scratches. By implementing HDPE plastic lockers into your school, not only will you have sturdy and secure compartments for student materials, but they’re far less susceptible to the normal wear and tear of traditional metal lockers.

Learn about the many benefits and advantages that HDPE plastic lockers have over traditional metal lockers by checking out these free eBooks, The Ultimate Guide to HDPE Plastic Lockers and the Locker Replacement Checklist, from your friends at Scranton Products.




Lockers are a necessity for schools of all kinds. As a facility manager, it’s your responsibility to maintain them properly throughout the years, and they require a certain amount of upkeep, such as fixing dents in lockers, tightening latches, and scrubbing away rust. Unless you have plastic lockers, they also need to be painted every once in a while, so they can continue retaining the aesthetics of your school.

However, when it comes to painting metal lockers, there are a few important steps you’ll need to take. To successfully paint your school’s lockers, you’ll need to follow these crucial steps.

Picking the Right Time to Paint

When it’s a busy school day, finding the time or the space to paint any metal lockers can be tricky. That’s why it’s always good to embark on a locker painting project during a holiday break or during the summer, when there’s only a few faculty and staff in the school. That way, you won’t have a lot of interference with rows of students heading to class. It’s also beneficial during a low occupancy day because of the VOC emissions that will be put off from the painting.

Choosing the Right Place

Now that you’ve got your time to paint, you need your place. Find an open area in the school that you can paint. It will allow you to have the room to paint multiple lockers, so you can start getting the job done. That way, you can reinstall the lockers quickly. You can paint the lockers where they stand, but you’ll need plenty of tarp or drop cloth coverage to prevent any paint from getting on the floor or the wall.

Painting Your Lockers

Before you start painting the metal lockers, you’ll want to use a paint primer that’s designed for metal. It will help the paint stick while providing some much-needed protection to the paint once it dries. Before beginning to apply the primer or the paint, you’ll need to make sure that the lockers are cleaned thoroughly, so there aren’t any imperfections once you’re completed. When you paint the lockers, you’ll need to apply multiple coats to make sure that the color matches on each locker.

Why Plastic Lockers are Better

Metal lockers are very durable and reliable storage compartments for the students. Sometimes, though, their maintenance, care, and upkeep outweigh their usefulness compared to plastic lockers. The constant maintenance and repainting certainly adds to the locker’s costs. What you need is a reliable locker that doesn’t require the constant upkeep while retaining its appearance and durability.

HDPE plastic school lockers are a great place to start because they don’t require a paint job. They’re available in a variety of homogenous colors that will stand up to the elements. Plastic lockers don’t require as much up keep as metal lockers, and can actually outlast metal lockers because they don’t rust. If there’s graffiti present, too, it can simply be wiped away.

Do you want to learn more about HDPE plastic lockers and how they can save you time and money with your school and maintenance? Check out this free eBook, The Ultimate Guide to HDPE Plastic Lockers, from your friends at Scranton Products.

When it comes to managing your facility—whether it’s a school, an office building, or even a store—you’re probably trying to find ways to cut costs and save money. One of the costliest endeavors that all facility managers face is maintenance. The time and money that goes into constant maintenance can certainly add up, but there has to be an easier way that can lower your costs and save you money on your facility.

One of the best ways to combat costly maintenance is by utilizing the best materials around that will last for years, stand up to the elements, and result in very low maintenance. One such material is HDPE plastic, which can be used as toilet partitions in your facility’s restrooms.

Here are a few ways that these HDPE partitions can save you money with your facility and maintenance costs.

HDPE: The Superior Partition

You may not really take the time to consider the variety of materials that can be used as toilet partitions. However, reviewing all of your options can allow you to make the best choice for your facility. Most toilet partitions are made from plastic with an inner core made from kraft paper or cardboard. Materials like Phenolic, Baked Enamel, and Plastic Laminate may look nice in your restroom, but they may be left vulnerable to the moisture and humidity in your restroom. The inner core will absorb the moisture, and over time, it’ll sprout mold, leading to a pungent odor and a substantial problem to solve.

The smell of mold is never a welcoming sign when entering a commercial restroom. However, utilizing HDPE can actually combat this problem because it’s a solid plastic. There’s no inner core made of paper or cardboard. Moisture and humidity will not seep into the inside of your HDPE partition, so you can rest easy knowing that you’re using the best material possible for your toilet partitions.

Cutting Costs on Maintenance & Partition Replacement

When mold has made its way into the inner core of a toilet partition, there’s no going back. The partition is ruined, and it needs to be replaced. However, due to the constant presence of moisture, you’ll end up replacing partitions frequently. HDPE is a quick and easy fix that will outlast other materials.

Other factors, like aesthetic damage, can lead to substantial maintenance. Whether the partition is cracked, dented, or even written on in permanent marker, there’s a lot of maintenance that’s costly and time-consuming. HDPE, on the other hand, is a more durable option. It won’t show surface damage through scratches or dents. It won’t even absorb any spray paint or marker, so you can forgo a paint job to cover up someone’s unwanted artwork.

A Material That Lasts

Due to the ability to stand up to common issues facing your restroom, HDPE partitions are the preferred choice for facility managers who are looking for a material that they can rely on. Since HDPE is a solid and durable plastic, it can endure a lot more than the average toilet partition. It’s even covered by warranty for up to 25 years. So, if you’re looking for a long-lasting solution to combat costly maintenance, HDPE is certainly a huge step in the right direction.

Would you like to learn more about how HDPE plastic toilet partitions can actually save you time and money on maintenance? Download our free eBook, Choosing Bathroom Materials, from your friends at Scranton Products.



When you’re the building manager for a school, you know that there’s no escaping routine maintenance. It’s a necessary ingredient to running a functional building. However, as a facility manager, it’s imperative to stay ahead of any mechanical failures, repairs, and otherwise lengthy maintenance projects. What you need to do is come up with a preventative maintenance plan for your school to help you stay on top of and maintenace

Here’s a few helpful tips and tricks on getting the right preventative maintenance plan together.

Rally the Team

The first step towards executing the proper preventative maintenance plan is having a team of professionals to rely on to help you see your plans through. As the facility manager, you can’t be everywhere at once to spot any minor issues that could develop into a major problem. However, when you have members of your staff that are just as dedicated to staying on top of maintenance, your plan can proceed with great results. Through coordination and communication, tackling any major issues will be a lot easier.

Determine Your School’s Weaknesses

In order to stay on top of issues with preventative maintenance, you need to figure out the areas that are most likely to result in problems. This includes checking your HVAC system to ensure that it’s operating at capacity, your water system to find any impurities, and, of course, the bathrooms. Your school’s bathrooms and locker rooms are susceptible to mold growth, specifically with the partitions, which can reduce the air quality and result in an unpleasant odor.

Luckily, materials like HDPE plastic partitions are durable, solid, and impenetrable to mold and mildew, so you can passively keep your bathroom from sprouting mold by utilizing this solid plastic. This material can even be used for lockers to replace the metal ones that are in your school. Metal can dent, get rusty, chip its paint, and even get covered in graffiti. HDPE plastic lockers are impact-resistant, and when it comes to graffiti, all it takes is a simple wipe to remove it. You don’t have to add a fresh coat of paint to this material because it will keep its aesthetics intact while cutting down on your maintenance costs and time.

Plan the Schedule

It’s important that you coordinate your maintenance plan with the school schedule to determine the best time to complete certain projects. Throughout the school year, getting major projects completed can be difficult because the school is at its highest occupancy. Also, heavy-duty maintenance can be a major distraction during lessons.

Save any major maintenance projects for summer. Given that there are many fewer occupants in the building, getting the projected completed will be a lot easier during the summer. Winter break is another window for projects, but make sure you can determine what can be done given the amount of time you have to complete it.

By planning out your preventative maintenance, you’ll be able to keep your school in great condition with all of its systems functioning properly.

Want to learn more about preventative facility maintenance? Download this free eBook, The Ultimate Guide or Facility Maintenance & Property Solutions, from your friends at Scranton Products.



As a facility manager, there are many ways that you can make your commercial bathroom a little more comfortable. Softer lighting tends to work, as do air fresheners. However, one of the biggest complaints that occupants have of the restrooms in their office building is the lack of privacy with the toilet partitions. This a common issue among many commercial bathrooms, and the demand for improvements on toilet compartment privacy has been on the rise.

Below, we’ll state the common problems with toilet compartment privacy, and we’ll even list some helpful solutions to help you get started on making your facility’s restroom more comfortable and private for your occupants.

Problems with the Lack of Privacy in Commercial Restrooms

You’d think that toilet stalls are private enough, but there are a few factors that may have been overlooked when you ordered your partitions. The major complaint is the gap between the door and the actual partition. While some gaps vary in size, the issue still remains that there’s a gap that provides an unwanted view inside of the stall when the door is closed. No one likes being watched, or being visible while they’re going to the bathroom.

Another issue is the open space from the floor to the bottom of the partition. While this isn’t as bad as the door gap, it’s still unsettling that your feet are clearly visible when you’re in the stall. Some stalls are even short, which can create an uncomfortable scenario when the occupant in the next stall happens to be taller than the actual partitions.

Choosing Better Materials

When you’re faced with an issue of privacy, or lack thereof, you’ll need to find the route of the problem. Most commonly, the stalls that you have in your facility face the gap dilemma. One way to combat this is by choosing different toilet partitions.

Hiny Hiders and Eclipse Partitions® provide excellent privacy with occupants. Their design incorporates the shiplap cut edges, so when the door to the partition is closed, it’s closed tightly and reduce any gaps or unwanted sightlines. These partitions can be customized to fit the overall design or size of the restroom in your facility.

These toilet partitions also have a variety of benefits because they’re made from HDPE. This solid plastic provides a more durable material that is resistant to scratches, dents, and impacts. These stalls can even hold up to constant moisture exposure and won’t absorb any that would otherwise create mold. Common restroom partitions have a paper core that can absorb the moisture and sprout mold, which is hard to get out. So, those kinds of stalls are inevitably replaced, which can be costly over time. HDPE plastic simply lasts longer and requires less maintenance.

Are you considering making the jump to HDPE to make your toilet partitions more private and comfortable? Check out this free eBook, The Professional’s Guide to Commercial Bathroom Renovations and Remodels, from your friends at Scranton Products.



More often than not, school facility managers are trying to find ways to cut costs. This is particularly important with energy consumption, not only because energy has a hefty price attached to it, but there are many ways to reduce the costs that are more green and eco-friendly.What Makes HDPE Sustainable

To help you get started on coming up with an action plan to cut costs, here are 4 easy steps to help you reduce your school’s energy consumption.

Let There Be LED & Natural Light

Homeowners know that one of the major energy consumers in their household is light bulbs, so to combat the energy bill, they simply leave the lights off in rooms they aren’t using. This isn’t the case with a school because, ostensibly, every room is in use. However, implementing LED light bulbs instead of fluorescent or incandescent bulbs can greatly reduce the amount of energy that your school uses.

Not only should you implement the energy-saving LED lights in your school, but you can always get rid of unnecessary fixtures. Most notably, interior lighting fixtures that are near a window are technically not needed, and your school and energy bill can certainly benefit from utilizing as much natural light as possible.

Cut Down on the Air Conditioning

Who doesn’t like fresh air? Cutting down on the air conditioning can have positive benefits for your school’s energy consumption. When the weather is particularly beautiful, don’t be afraid to turn off the air and open the windows. This can help keep your school at a reasonable temperature without having to use your air conditioning system. By utilizing fresh air and keeping your air conditioning off, you’ll cut costs on your energy bill while reducing harmful emissions.

Be Mindful of Appliances & Devices

After the school day is over and the occupants have gone home, be sure to do a thorough check throughout the building for any electrical appliances that are still on. While appliances like the refrigerator should remain on, other equipment shouldn’t, such as computers. Leaving computers on all night not only consumes a decent amount of energy but also wastes it. Be sure the turn off all classroom computers before leaving the school to help save on energy costs.Earth Tone Inspiration

Generate Your Own Energy

One of the best ways to save on energy costs is simply to create your own energy. Solar panels have been widely used in school facilities across the country with fantastic results. Installing solar panels on the roof or property of your school can help to reduce the cost of energy consumption. Implementing solar energy at your school, you’ll see a noticeable drop in costs and improve your school’s image as being forward thinking, environmentally conscious and, of course, sustainable.

Were these 4 steps on reducing your school’s energy consumption helpful? Are you looking for more ways to make your school more eco-friendly? Download the Sustainable Building Products: How to Make Your Facility Eco-Friendly from Top to Bottom from your friends at Scranton Products.

Did you know that having a clean school can yield positive effects? We’re not just talking about having a nice-looking school. Actually, a clean and sanitary learning environment can positively affect a student’s ability to succeed in their educational endeavors. There have been numerous studies that highlight the strong correlation between a sparkling school and the achievements of the students. We’ll list some of the biggest benefits and help you come up with an action plan to keep your school spotless, so the students can rise to the top with their academics.

Fewer Absences

One of the major benefits to having a clean school is the reduction of the spread of germs. Less germs equals less absences. Through routine cleaning, you’ll be able to tackle the danger zones where diseases spread. By cutting down on the germs and the inevitable sick days, classrooms will be filled with students who are healthy and eager to learn.

Happier & More Productive Teachers

A teacher’s demeanor and attitude can have a huge effect on the student’s abilities. Teachers who educate in a dirty classroom are less inclined to put 100% into their lessons. Their filthy surroundings can have a huge effect on their drive and passion to educate. Teachers who are working in a clean classroom will be more positive and happy when they come into work. Their positive demeanor will reflect in their lessons, and students will be more eager to pay attention and participate in what they’re learning.

Improved School Pride

A student won’t take a lot of pride in a dilapidated school. However, when they actually look forward to going to school, they’ll be more engaged with their studies and active in classroom participation. Not to mention, they’ll even work to help keep the school cleaner by properly disposing of their trash and recyclables.

Getting an Action Plan Together

While it’s important to ensure your school is as clean as possible, you’re probably worrying about the maintenance costs. Sure, more involved cleaning will cause a rise in your costs. However, utilizing the right materials can help you reduce the cost of maintenance and the man hours it requires.

Utilize HDPE Plastic

Schools across the country have been implementing HDPE plastic into their facilities and they’ve seen great results. This versatile material can be used for bathroom stalls, partitions, and vanities. Considering that your school’s restroom can be a hotbed of germs if not routinely cleaned, implementing HDPE materials can help reduce the spread. HDPE stalls, partitions, and vanities won’t absorb the moisture that’s present in your restroom, which will ward off the threat of mold, mildew, and unpleasant bathroom odors.School Cleaning Checklist

HDPE plastic can also be used as lockers. They provide a durable and secure structure that will not only store materials properly, but they’re less costly when it comes to maintenance, compared to metal lockers. They don’t require any fresh coats of paint, they won’t rust, and they won’t dent.

Install More Rugs

Rugs can be very effective at preventing the spread of germs. Most germs are brought into your school from foot traffic, so having rugs located around each entrance can reduce the amount of germs coming into your school. It’s a good practice to have rugs on both the exterior and interior of entranceways, so you can be twice as effective at catching those germs before they spread into your school.

Invest in Green Cleaning Materials

No one enjoys the stagnant smell of industrial cleaning products, no matter how effective they are. Consider using green cleaning products that will help you keep your school clean and smelling fresh without having to use harsh chemicals. Using heavy-duty cleaning chemicals may do the job, but they could have detrimental health effects and cause respiratory problems.

These were just a few helpful tips that will get you on your way to creating a safe and clean learning environment. Do you need some more tips on how to effectively clean your school to help promote student success? Check out this free eBook, The Ultimate Guide for Facility Maintenance & Property Solutions, from your friends at Scranton Products.

When you’re the facility manager for a school, it’s imperative that you not only keep up with the necessary maintenance, but also find ways to save money for the school. Routine maintenance can end up costing your school a lot, and with the man hours put into thorough and routine maintenance, finding a way to cut down on costs isn’t always the easiest thing to do. However, if you’re planning out a renovation process, there are some things you can do to save yourself time and money on maintenance, and it simply revolves around choosing the right lockers for your school.

The Problem with Metal Lockers

Metal lockers have been the standard for schools for way too long. Sure, they’re stable and they can be painted to match the décor, however, they do require a ton of maintenance throughout the years. Most notably, with scratches and dents that are unsightly and can reduce the secure structure of the locker. Students don’t necessarily treat their lockers gently, and many prefer to slam the locker shut as opposed to lightly closing them. Over time, this can result in surface damage, chipped paint, structural damage—not to mention the loud irritable noise.

When it comes time for maintenance, each locker may require special attention, depending on their appearance and any damage. If there’s chipped paint, you’ll have to add a fresh coat. If there’s any major dents or intrusions, the locker will most likely have to be replaced. If there’s enough damaged lockers, the costs of replacement could be pretty substantial.

Issues Facing Locker Rooms

Lockers that are located in your school’s locker room are susceptible to even more damage because of the humidity and moisture that’s a constant presence. It’s no mystery that moisture on metal results in rust. Rust can be removed with a variety of household solutions, but given the amount of lockers, this process can be time-consuming. The man hours spent scrubbing each individual locker can add up, and detract from some more pressing maintenance issues.

The Solution is HDPE Lockers

HDPE (high-density polyethylene) plastic lockers have been introduced to a few educational facilities across the nation and have yielded fantastic results. They provide a durable storage compartment for students. They’re impact-resistant, so the students preferred method of closing their lockers won’t result in any surface damage. Not to mention, but they’re also much quieter than metal. They can stand up to humidity and moisture without rusting, along with resisting moisture absorption and sprouting mold. The best part about HDPE lockers is that they can last for a long time without having to be replaced.

Cutting Costs on Maintenance

One of the main reasons that HDPE lockers have made a major impact in schools is because they’re low maintenance. They don’t require any fresh coats of paint, and they’re resistant to graffiti, scratches, and dents. The only real maintenance they require is a light cleaning. Over time, you’ll notice that the cost of maintenance on these lockers is much lower when compared to metal lockers and the more involved maintenance that they normally require. Essentially, these HDPE lockers can save your school money on maintenance.

Want to learn more about HDPE lockers and the many benefits to implementing them into your school? Download The Ultimate Guide to HDPE Plastic Lockers from your friends at Scranton Products. This eBook can prepare you to make the right decision towards your school’s lockers and cut the cost on maintenance.